What are Non-Fungible Tokens, and are NFTs scams?

Dane Wesolko
5 min readJan 21, 2022


There is a lot of excitement around Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). For a good reason — they are an exciting new development in cryptocurrency. But as with any new technology, there is a certain amount of risk involved. So are NFTs scams? How do you avoid getting the rug pulled?

Rug pulls are common place amongst many scammers leaving people to question are NFTs scams? Source: Funzalo.com.

NFTs are not scams. NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, refer to a type of cryptocurrency interchangeable for an asset that cannot be replaced by another, such as a collectible card. In other words, each token represents something unique and cannot be substituted for another token. Given the mechanics of these tokens, it makes them especially desirable in terms of tradability and collectibility.

What are cryptocurrencies, and how do they work?

Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and other digital currencies have seen unprecedented growth over the past year, with the value of a single bitcoin reaching well over $50,000 at one point. But what are cryptocurrencies?

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies. They are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies.

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, not regulated by any government or financial institution. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009 by an anonymous person or group of people under Satoshi Nakamoto.

What are Non-Fungible Tokens, and why are they desirable?

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are a scorching topic in the cryptocurrency industry. They represent a way of creating digital assets and can provide game developers with powerful capabilities to create unique items within their games or third-party marketplaces.

How to create an NFT step by step.

NFTs are desirable for several reasons. First, they are incredibly tradable. Because each token is unique and cannot be substituted for another, it can easily be exchanged between parties. This makes them ideal for collectors who want to own an individual item that cannot be found anywhere else.

There are many advantages to creating tokens as unique items. You can provide players with tangible value — something they can own, which gives them self-esteem and pride. It’s also possible for a game to become a marketplace, where players can trade their hard-earned items for other in-game objects or digital assets. This gives developers another way to monetize their games beyond premium currency packs and ads.

Are NFTs scams? How do you avoid getting the rug pulled?

Are NFTs scams? Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, are a type of cryptocurrency that is interchangeable for an asset that cannot be replaced by another. In other words, each token represents something unique and cannot be substituted for another token. Given the mechanics of these tokens, it makes them especially desirable in terms of tradability and collectibility.

I have been really into NFTs these past few months, but I’ve always wondered whether they are scams or not. I got introduced to them by a friend who claimed that you’ll get rich if you buy these assets and wait for them to increase in value. The truth is out there: Do NOT believe anyone who says things like “Get rich quick” or claims that you will definitely make 100x your money.

Even the best NFT projects will only give you 5–10x your initial investment best. Is it possible for NFTs to be scammed? Yes! Is it likely? No! Since anyone can create an NFT, many good projects get called scams. In contrast, most of the projects that are actually scams go unnoticed.

Since there’s no objective evidence required for buying or selling NFTs, someone can trick you into purchasing an asset that doesn’t exist/was created by themselves. Someone can convince you to buy one of their assets at a specific price when they really purchased it at a much lower cost than what they’re selling it off for.

The most significant reason why something might be called a scam in the crypto world is when someone claims that they’re making money when they actually aren’t. This can happen in all sorts of ways. They claim to have made 100x their investment and show proof, but they never made anything. They were just buying low and selling high without really profiting from the exchange at all.

Or buying their own products with different wallets pretending to be multiple people. There’s no product behind what they’re selling/ using the revenue from one NFT to back up another one. In fact, there are lots of cases where people create fake wallets on the Ethereum mainnet to convince others that they have a certain amount of an NFT.

Although it’s technically possible for NFTs to be scams, you should not believe anyone who claims what they say. Suppose someone truly is making large amounts of money from crypto trading. In that case, I highly doubt they would even bother going through the trouble of gloating.

The NFT guide for beginners. Full guide at www.danewesolko.com.

Are NFTs scams? The short answer is no, NFTs are not scams. However, there is a particular risk involved as with any new technology. So how do you avoid getting the rug pulled? Here are a few tips:

  1. Do your research. Before investing in any NFT, be sure to do your homework and understand what you’re getting into. Learn about the team behind the project, their track record, and what they plan to do with the money you give them.
  2. Use a reputable exchange. When buying or selling NFTs, be sure to use a reputable exchange with a good track record known for being secure.
  3. Be careful with scammers. As with any type of cryptocurrency, NFTs are an easy target for con artists. Be wary of anyone who promises high returns or seems too good to be true, as this is likely a scam.

What’s next? I personally believe that there’s potential in Non-Fungible Tokens. They will become more popular over the coming years. So if you have any interest in NFTs, now is the time to get started.

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A generative art collection of 666 unique compositions. Designed in Photoshop. 3 weapon types, 12 color variations and various graphical elements plus textures output to over 96 layers. Compiled using Hashlips art generator. Minted to the blockchain via smart contracts and solidity tutorials. A true exploration in NFT creation from start to finish.

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Dane Wesolko

WΞ / designer, artist, writer, creator, noise maker, coffee addict